Jihoon Suh

Currently designing at Coinbase

Jihoon Suh

Currently designing at Coinbase

Jihoon Suh

Currently designing at Coinbase

(Jihoon) is a product designer with 8+ years experience designing global consumer digital products in emerging spaces such as social, gaming, AR/VR, and blockchain

(Jihoon) is a product designer with 8+ years experience designing global consumer digital products in emerging spaces such as social, gaming, AR/VR, and blockchain

People, Design, and Technology

People, Design, and Technology

I'm a product-focused designer, eager to bridge gap between new enabling technology and solutions to real world problems. Both as in-house designer and design consultant, I help create industry leading UX, and narratives to scale beyond MVP to be winning in the global market.

I'm a product-focused designer, eager to bridge gap between new enabling technology and solutions to real world problems. Both as in-house designer and design consultant, I help create industry leading UX, and narratives to scale beyond MVP to be winning in the global market.